Best google drive porn collection
Best google drive porn collection

By collectively sharing relationship, we can form consensus models which converge around specific kinds of ontologies - which could be used to optimise storage and querying for local caches of such boundaries. In order to have an effective system, I think it would need both a distributed and local component, such that there is this large, distributed graph of knowledge of relationships, which you can download and cache parts of selectively - and which you can add your own relationships to, and chose which of those you wish to share. Relationships are largely arbitrary, and what is meaningful to one person may not be to another. Tag based systems are useful for making the transition to graphs, but they're really just "patching" graph-like semantics onto trees - as are things like symbolic links in file systems. I'd like to see arbitrary graph based systems where there's no restriction on the relationships you can create - although doing so takes more work than dumping things into hierarchies.

best google drive porn collection

I don't know what you use as a UI for your porn collection, but a simple first approximation might be filling up a temp directory with symlinks to the content matching a given query, and then popping up a file browser on the directory - in any modern OS, this should give you a pretty good overview, thumbnails and all. Then it's just a matter of asking for more of what you've been watching lately, or stuff you haven't seen lately that matches some collection of tagged interests, or what-have-you. (I'm seeing a notification area icon with a bubble popup saying "Click here to rate the last 15 porn videos you watched." This thought amuses me, God knows why.) In order to avoid the complexity of hooking into whatever image/video viewer you use, you could run your ratings collector as a background process which uses inotify or your local equivalent to keep track of accesses to the files under curation, and by some method decide when to request you input ratings.

best google drive porn collection

Once that's done, it seems like keeping track of frequency and recency of access, plus user ratings which gradually go stale over time in order to model familiarity breeding disinterest, should suffice to give you the rest. The only part there that seems like it's actually hard (ooh er) is encoding information about the content of a given video or image file I don't see any better way to do that than tagging by hand, which is going to take a while for a sizable archive.

Best google drive porn collection